This is difficult to me because I have used this web lots of times ... but I have to say and according to some articles that I have red on the Internet you can find some mistakes on this web page, but at the same time is really useful. You can easily have access to a great amount of information. Besides it is a good opportunity to practice writing and publish something interesting to you and for people around the world. So sometimes we cannot believe all we read.
A good example of CALL is Wordreference an online language dictionary. What I like of this page is that apart from searching for word translations you can ask in forums for the meaning of certain words and people all over the world can help you to find the appropriate translation or usage according to the context. You can also listen the pronunciation of the word.
I am not sure if we can say this web is not so good to practice reading comprehension, but it is true that feedback is not present here. The activities are presented in pdf so you cannot modify them. You cannot answer the questions below each reading and you have to click several times to have access to the activities.
Esl-lab is good drill & practice web page to practice listening comprehension. You can listen to different dialogs, answer the questions and assess yourself. You have instant feedback. You can also read the script of each conversation.
This web provides a lot of writing quizzes. It is a guide for writing and grammar but the explanations are really confusing. They are written in a very technical language. On the other hand the interface is really messy!
This web provides a lot of writing quizzes. It is a guide for writing and grammar but the explanations are really confusing. They are written in a very technical language. On the other hand the interface is really messy!
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